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Why is security awareness so important ?

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Any business or employee can be targeted be Hackers !

Unfortunately we live in a time where Cyber Crime has become a marketable business and there are organisations on the Dark Web that offer their services to hire for anyone who wants to get into the lucrative hacking business. Here are some reasons below why Security Awareness Training is important to your business.

● Cyber criminals often target employees to gain access to sensitive information.
● This is due to employees being seen as the 'weak link' in the cyber security chain.
● Small to medium-sized businesses are just as likely to be hit by a cyber attack.
● Criminals often launch widespread and untargeted attacks, meaning anyone is a target Phishing attacks are getting harder to spot.
● Phishing is where a cyber criminal attempts to trick victims into handing over sensitive information or installing malware, often by impersonating someone else via email.
● 75% of businesses experienced phishing in 2020, and 22% of data breaches involve phishing.
● Regular training ensures that we can keep up and combat new phishing techniques. We all make mistakes.
● Over 90% of data breaches are a result of human error, like sending an email containing sensitive data to the wrong person, sharing passwords or leaving devices unattended.
● Training helps us to make smarter security decisions every day and limit human error. Comply with regulations and frameworks.
● Many regulatory frameworks and compliance standards list staff security awareness training as either mandatory or best practice whilst failure to act can result in fines.
Cybernet Evolution offers Security Awareness training that helps your staff as to the dangers and how easily they can be tricked into allow Hackers access to your system and we teach them exactly what to look out for to help protect your business and valuable sensitive data. 

How security awareness training benefit ?

● You'll help keep our employee and customer data safe
● You'll learn security skills that can also be applied at home
● You'll help the business avoid downtime or disruption

How will the training work?

1. You'll be sent a short Gap Analysis Questionnaire to complete

This questionnaire measures your current security knowledge and identifies areas that need improvement, such as 'Secure Passwords' or 'Phishing'. This only takes between 10-15 minutes to complete and provides a baseline for what topics you'll be trained on first -

● Quick one-off questionnaire
● Measures your security knowledge
● Baselines your training journey

2. You'll then be sent your first security awareness course. 

Once your Gap Analysis results are in, you’ll get an email invitation to access your first course. The course you receive first will depend on which area you scored lowest in during the Gap Analysis, e.g. 'Secure Passwords'. These courses take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete, which includes a quick quiz at the end that is used to measure how much you've learned -

● Quick 5-10 minute course
● Short recap quiz at the end
● You'll be trained on weakest areas first

3. You'll continue to receive regular course invitations over time.

To help make sure your security behaviour is improving, you’ll receive an email invite to a new course at least once-per-month. You’ll be able to complete these courses when it is convenient
for you, but we recommend completing these as soon as possible to avoid them building up and
to ensure the training remains regular and effective.

● You'll be invited to new courses over time
● Course grades and progress will be measured
● You'll see your grade at the end of each course

The one-off Gap Analysis Questionnaire that you'll receive at the start of your training journey takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, and each course takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

If you would like to know more about the Security Awareness Training we offer, please reach out to us on 07 5526 4595 or email

Posted at 20 May 22